Daniel's mom and Danny came for a visit yesterday so it was really nice to get to see them. We miss everybody! But we're glad to be here.
School is going well. I dropped my English class for a history, and settled on a Communications major in the school of Journalism with a concentration in Advertising, one minor in Speech and Theatre with a concentration on Communications Studies, and my second minor in Early Modern European Studies. That's a mouthful. I chose that random second minor because it will accept my credits for all that German I took. We are starting to look into getting Daniel some grants for school also.
I got a bike for school too. I have been throwing it in the Jeep every morning and riding it from class to class so I won't have to wake up so early to get a parking space that is not a continent away from the campus. Who would have thought with 25,000 students that parking would be an issue? I bought the bike off Craigslist for $20 and it had a bent rim and flat tire so Daniel got to spend a few days fixing it. I think he secretly enjoyed it though :)
Here are some updated pictures of the apartment. I got a cover for the couch so I am happy about that.