Sunday, August 31, 2008

“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.”

Well, the job hunt has gotten a little better. Daniel is still trying to get a job with the post office, but first he has to study for and take the civil service exam, plus a post office battery test, so until then he is working at a pizza place. I had an interview with a family the other night and they have talked to all my references, and my references all said that the lady sounded like she was probably going to offer me the job, so I'm excited about that. It's a bit of a drive but it pays pretty well, plus no nights/weekends, and paid holidays/vacations.

Daniel's mom and Danny came for a visit yesterday so it was really nice to get to see them. We miss everybody! But we're glad to be here.

School is going well. I dropped my English class for a history, and settled on a Communications major in the school of Journalism with a concentration in Advertising, one minor in Speech and Theatre with a concentration on Communications Studies, and my second minor in Early Modern European Studies. That's a mouthful. I chose that random second minor because it will accept my credits for all that German I took. We are starting to look into getting Daniel some grants for school also.

I got a bike for school too. I have been throwing it in the Jeep every morning and riding it from class to class so I won't have to wake up so early to get a parking space that is not a continent away from the campus. Who would have thought with 25,000 students that parking would be an issue? I bought the bike off Craigslist for $20 and it had a bent rim and flat tire so Daniel got to spend a few days fixing it. I think he secretly enjoyed it though :)

Here are some updated pictures of the apartment. I got a cover for the couch so I am happy about that.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"I've never let my school interfere with my education."

We have officially been here a week tomorrow! The place looks a lot better than it did a few days ago. I had a few interviews but one place said I had "no childcare experience" (guess a year of nannying full time doesn't count haha) and I also interviewed with a private family but they weren't able to give enough hours. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

I got registered for school today and should finally be done with my GenEd after this semester is over. This semester I'll be taking Math, Psychology, English, Theatre, and Survey of Advertising. I am going to be testing out of 3 other classes this semester, and I might also try to pick up a Saturday class to get back on track with graduating on time.

I also found out I got a Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant for $1300/year in addition to my other grants and scholarships so I am really happy about that! My overall GPA is 3.33 and hopefully I can raise that up to a 3.50 or higher this semester.

Daniel has been a little bored here so far but he is doing well too. He is definitely going to be back in school next semester but we are not sure where just yet. There are lots of colleges in the Nashville area so he has a lot to choose from.

We will try and post some updated pictures of the apartment soon.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our new digs

We thought everybody might like to see some pictures of our new place. Please note that the boxes of trash will not be staying in the living room and as soon as I can find a slipcover for the couch, it won't stick out like a sore thumb in the living room. :)

We also have two miniature closets, a tiny bathroom, a huge bathroom, an enormous pantry, more kitchen cabinets than you can count, and absolutely no storage space whatsoever. So far, so good.

I have a job interview at a preschool tomorrow and Thursday I register for classes at MTSU. Daniel is probably going to be temping and getting his resume' out there. Oh, and if your phone's ringing and your caller ID says "unknown," it is probably us. Long story short- we have very few long distance minutes, but we got an internet phone service that lets us dial out and it's pretty cheap. So call us (same cell #'s) or text and we'll call you back when we can.

Joey and Gemma say hello. Here's Gemma enjoying her new house.