Daniel has been working a lot so he is pretty tired. It also doesn't help that he goes to bed at the crack of dawn :) He got a second job at another pizza place so he is going to be a pizza making machine. He also put up a laundry line in our "backyard" so now we actually have clean clothes! (The dryer's heating element doesn't work.)
I ended up getting gas yesterday. I found some at the fifth gas station I went to for $4.19. It was pretty out of the way (I only knew it was there because I saw it when I was lost) so there weren't too many cars there. There was a big sign outside saying "Gas sold here!!!"
I have been studying my butt off for two exams I have this week, history and advertising. The advertising one should be really easy but the history professor is a nutcase so I'm trying to be really thorough. She seems like one of those people who will mention something once that seems totally insignificant then put five questions about it on a test. Hopefully I'll do okay.
What choo lookin at?!
Nice picture, girl. I bet Daniel appreciates you putting it on your blog for the world to see!
You're right Steve...Daniel probably doesnt appreciate being featured on the blog and he certainly wont like this either...I LOVED THAT PICTURE of my sleeping boy...thanks for posting it Kaitlyn. It really made me miss him though. Technology is great it gives new ways for mothers to embarress their children.
You're right Steve...Daniel probably doesnt appreciate being featured on the blog and he certainly wont like this either...I LOVED THAT PICTURE of my sleeping boy...thanks for posting it Kaitlyn. It really made me miss him though. Technology is great it gives new ways for mothers to embarress their children.
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