Finally the weekend! I have just about managed to unwind and unpack from our vacation despite the fact that I am sick and may have given whatever I have to Daniel too. I'm just happy to not have to work for two days! I have more respect for parents every day... driving 3 girls around, making sure they remember to eat, do homework, chores, rent movies, put up signs for the lost cat, go to dance, drop off at doctor's office, pick up from school, supervise DI meetings...blah blah blah... is a lot harder than it looks! :) I think Henley was definitely easier to take care of. But I still really like my job!

Not exactly true but hilarious anyway :)
School is still going pretty good. I am counting down the weeks (6) until winter break. Finals come then too but so does my birthday and Christmas so it all evens out!
Daniel has been listening to a Harry Potter book on his iPod for the past week so I haven't seen a lot of him. The book is over 21 hours long. He hasn't been doing much of anything else so no real updates there. :) The cats are goofy as usual so that is pretty much all we have been up to lately.
I think all kids should learn to ride a unicycle, then they could balance their backpacks on their backs and get themselves everywhere they need to go,....until then I guess driving the only way! love ya
I hope yall will come this direction during the holidays!!!
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