Friday, November 14, 2008

New phone numbers

Daniel and I both got new phone numbers. Mine is 615-589-5042 and Daniel's is 615-589-5016. We have unlimited minutes again and now we can actually use them so call us whenever... no more internet phone!

The end of the semester is coming up really fast. I registered for next semester's classes today. I'll be taking...
-Interpersonal Communication
-Mass Communication and Society
-Media Writing
-Tennessee History
-History of the US I
-Computer Orientation (hopefully this should be a really easy class; I'm required to take a computer class and I didn't really want to learn how to write CSS)

2 of those classes are online so that will give me a little more sleeping time in the mornings. So I am definitely excited about that!


mhandwerker said...

Impressive schedule. How did your test go Monday??

Anonymous said...

Looks like your going to have a very busy summer!! Im very proud of you and Daniel!