This morning I skipped all of my classes because if MTSU thinks I am going to walk for any extended period of time in 7 degree, negative 5 degree windchill weather they are sadly mistaken!
Now it would be different if they were paying YOU to go to school...I stood the cold today but only because I was getting paid. I think Daniel was in the cold too. It all about motivation! At my last appointment I walked across their frozen was cool. Haven't done something like that since I was a kid. It was gutzy too cuz I weight as much as two kids now!!!!
Now it would be different if they were paying YOU to go to school...I stood the cold today but only because I was getting paid. I think Daniel was in the cold too. It all about motivation! At my last appointment I walked across their frozen was cool. Haven't done something like that since I was a kid. It was gutzy too cuz I weight as much as two kids now!!!!
Seriously. Ready. For. Winter. To. Be. Over.
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